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the color box

holiday taped trees

project 1: PART I

Approximate time: 30 min-1hr

Let's dive into the first official project in your box!  Holiday Trees is meant to be a fun way to create pine trees with tape and watercolor.  There are limitless ways to paint yours.  The examples I give are just that, examples, so please allow yourself to expand creatively here!

The Holiday Taped Tree Project will be divided into two parts:

1. Taping, painting, and cutting the trees.  15 - 40 min.

2. Painting the sky, cutting snow, and attaching all items. 15 - 30

This project can all be done in one sitting or spread out over a few days.  There will be drying time between steps, so please be patient with the process.  The trees turn out incredible if you take your time. :)

Grab the papers labeled: Holiday Trees

You will use the "Tree + Sky" for this first part.

You will use "Snow Drifts" for the second part.



Supplies needed:


- watercolor paper (Labeled "Holiday Trees")

- color wheel (for reference)

- washi tape (2 rolls in box)

- palette with colors

- brush

- water

step one: Tape!

IMG_9405 2.jpg
IMG_9406 2.jpg

You will use the tape to create three triangles on your paper.  Turn your paper horizontally so each tree can fit. Each triangle will become a tree in our next step, so feel free to make them different sizes.

step two: Paint!


Fill each area with the colors or patterns of your choice!

rainbow order

primary colors

secondary colors

tertiary colors

neighboring colors


blended colors

polka dots

overlapping lines

blocks of color

step three: let dry!

Screen Shot 2020-10-15 at 4.06.40 PM.png

The worst mistake is rushing to see an outcome. 

Give your project some space.

Create another painting. Take a walk.  Eat lunch.

Wait until it is completely dry. :)

step four: remove tape


Gently remove the tape from all areas to reveal your trees!

The tape preserved each tree shape to reveal a clean edge.

step five: Cut!


Cut each tree carefully, leave a thin white border around each one.

This will ensure a noticeable shape as you add your trees to the background.

Watch the tutorial here:

Image by Math

Aren't these trees incredible???  So simple, yet so bold. 


I've given you an extra sheet of watercolor paper in case you need it or would like to try again. If you make a major mistake, let the paint dry and flip the paper over to use the other side, if necessary. 


Be patient with yourself and be proud. Creating takes practice. ;)

When you are officially done painting, click next to paint the sky!

Did something go wrong and it feels like a #DIYfail? 

Reach out here with a photo so I can help.


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COLOR BOX welcome page.

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