the winter box!
What comes to mind when you think of winter? What do you see? Snow? Stillness? A quiet scene with a blanket of white?
Creating winter art can definitely include a snow scene. So for our projects, we will do just that! We will be using watercolor to paint, but before we dive in, I want to make sure to cover all the wonders of color.
This winter box is a continuation of watercolor. Last month's holiday box introduced color vocabulary and taught learners how to mix colors with liquid paint. However, the watercolor included in this box is premixed for you in solid 'cakes'. Cake means you'll need to add water to make the paint work. (More on that a little later.) The fun part is, you have many colors ready to use!
You will be focusing on color in new ways when creating your winter landscapes and animal/snowman portraits. Before I introduce new words for this month, I wanted to provide the color vocabulary from last month for those who didn't get to watch it or as a refresher for those of you who already have.
The second video below will go over new words of color and will also help you understand value for winter landscapes.

^^^ Color vocabulary video
^^^^ Winter box vocabulary
Yay! Once you are finished, click "next" to move onto creating your woodland animal.